Training the new generations
of researchers

Paving the way for future leaders in metastasis

Adaptmet envisions to empower metastasis research in Europe to the next level of research and especially towards clinical translation by training 16 talented DCs and preparing them for prominent roles in research and drug discovery in European industry and academia.

Through a multidisciplinary and intersectorial research training programme, Adaptmet will profoundly impact these young researchers, equipping them with skills to expedite the development of innovative cancer and metastasis-targeted therapies. At the core of Adaptmet is a trans-disciplinary strategy that addresses the problem of metastasis from multiple angles while including a wide array of scientific methods and training activities aimed at advancing the expertise and approaches of Doctoral Candidates (DCs).

Overview and content structure of the doctoral training programme

Overview: Adaptmet will train 16 DCs towards obtaining their doctoral degrees with a high-level programme that complements advanced research training in cutting-edge science of metastasis adaptation with a tailor-made training itinerary covering transferable and professional skills to prepare them for diverse career options. With guidance and support from their supervisor(s), each DC will construct their PCDP during their incorporation into the project by co-creating a roadmap for their doctoral training by including 6 core elements explained below.

Continuous training itinerary

Network-wide training events


Biomedical Research Project

Leading to a PhD


Biomedical Research Project

Leading to a PhD


Annual meetings

Progress, training & outreach


Annual meetings

Progress, training & outreach


Secondments & Short stays



Secondments & Short stays



Mid-yearly schools

Scientific & transferable skills


Mid-yearly schools

Scientific & transferable skills


PhD-specific skills training

Technical & professional skills


PhD-specific skills training

Technical & professional skills


Final conference

Scientific excellence & engagement


Final conference

Scientific excellence & engagement